One liner objective - 2
“Military dairy farm” started in - 1889 (Allahabad)
“National livestock mission” launched in - 2014-15
“Doodh Basti” started in - 1946 (Mumbai)
“Key Village scheme” started in - 1950-52
“Milk and milk product order” passed in - 1992
“Goshala Vikash yojna” started in - 1949
“Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production scheme” started in - October 2003
Ideal weight of egg - 57 gram
Moisture percent in hay - 15-18%
Moisture present in silage - 70%
Burdizzo’s Castrator used for - Castration
Trocar and conula used for - Bloat
Cow’s milk is light Yellow or creamy color due to - Carotene
White colour of cow’s milk due to presence of - Casein
Body temperature of hen - 107°F
Acidity % in milk - 0.12-0.14 %
Gestation period of cow - 281 days
Gestation period of Buffalo - 310 days
Sugar content in milk is - Lactose
Glucose + glucose - Maltose
Glucose + Fructose - Sucrose
Daily salt requirement of cow - 50 gram
Which breed of Goat known as queen of milk - Saanen
Best dual purpose breed of cow - Harianvi
Merino Sheep native from - Spain
Holstein friesian native from - Holland
Dry matter in Barseem - 25-30%
Best crop for making silage - Maize -Jowar
Best crop for making hay - Barseem
Sowing time of Barseem - Sep.-Oct