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Commnon Names of fruits and vegetables


--Bathroom fruit, king of fruits


2. Banana
Adam's fig. Tree of wisdom. Tree of Paradise, Kalpataru, Apple of paradise


3. Jack fruit
Monkey jack


4. Avocado
-- Butter fruit


5. Kiwi fruit
China miracle, Horticulture Wonder of New Zealand, National symbol of Newca Chinese Gooseberry


6. Mangosteen
Queen of fruits


7. Phalsa
Star apple


8. Guava
Apple of tropics


9. Ber
Poor man's fruit, king of arid fruits, chinese Fig. Chinese datu


10 Carambola
Star fruit, kamrakh, five corner fruit


11. Apple
King of temperate fruits


12 Pecan Nut
Queen of nuts


13. Coconut


14 Water chestnut
Panifal, Singhara


15. Makhana
Gorgon nut


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